
  • EC+ at ISAAC-NF

    On October 3 2017 Hildegard Vermeiren (UGent) presented the EC+ Application "Enhancing Communication" at the Symposium of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication/Section Netherlands and Flanders (ISAAC-NF) in Doorn (Utrecht/The Netherlands). The theme of the symposium was "Communication in a new perspective". Around 170 people attended the symposium.

  • EC+ project in Aula Magna

    The well-known Universitary newspaper Aula Magna publishes an article (in Spanish) on the EC+ project. The link here (see page 27).

  • Visit to Amirax

    The international students of the EC+ project visit AMIRAX in the context of the intensive training taking place now in the University of Malaga. Thanks to AMIRAX for this opportunity!

  • Visit to San Vicente de Paul

    San Vicente de Paul, day care center, welcomed EC+ students and stand engaged in several workshops on September 29th. Thank you so much!

  • Seminar for interpreting students

    On September 27th, in the intensive program for higher education learners of the EC+ project, a seminar for interpreting students was conducted by professional interpreters in healthcare.